Not only do we often dive deep into research when we first learn we might be autistic, who doesn’t love to read fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, and more by people who understand the world from our perspectives? A good book is a great time and maybe, if we’re lucky, a new friend.
This resource is my curated collection of titles *and* a big ol’ ever-expanding list of works by and for autistic adults. Let’s get into it!
Autistic BIPOC Authors
Looking for titles by writers who share your culture, melanin, and/or heritage?
Dig into these and find more on our great big Goodreads list!
Beginners' Book Stack
New to learning about what being autistic is all about? These titles will get you started.
Many have audiobook versions. Dive in today!
Lists For You on Goodreads

Hop on over to our favourite reading nook, Goodreads, and check out the collections we're continually building just for you. We're not only bookmarking guides to living on the spectrum but also autistic autobiographies, fiction by autistic people of colour, fiction with autistic characters and so much more! Here's what we have collected for you so far:
#AutisticBIPoC ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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Need more?
Browse these reader-compiled lists I’ve favourited for you as well!